Methods Eighteen patients with surgically proved PUJO underwent intravenous urography ( IVU), 10 patients underwent additional retrograde urography ( RGU), and 12 patients underwent B-mode ultrasonography before the operation. 方法本组18例均经静脉尿路造影,其中10例又经逆行尿路造影,12例经B型超声检查。
All of 21 cases carried out excretory urography ( IVU) aided by fluoroscopy, and 9 of them were performed additional retrograde urography ( RGU). 本组21例均在透视下行静脉尿路造影(IVU),9例行逆行性造影(RGU)。
Conclusion Ultrasound, IVU, cystoscopy, retrograde, ureteropyelography and intravenous drip urography of large dose were essential for the diagnosis of primary ureteral carcinoma. 结论静脉尿路造影、膀胱镜和逆行肾盂输尿管造影是原发性输尿管恶性肿瘤的基本检查手段;
Conclusions IVU and retrograde urography are the most common diagnostic measures for primary ureteral cancer. They can be used in combination with other imaging study to reduce missed diagnosis rate. 结论IVU、逆行肾盂造影检查仍是原发性输尿管癌最常用的基本诊断方法,联合其他影像学检查可减少漏诊。
Conclusion IVU and retrograde urography may be helpful to establish the diagnosis of ureteral polyps. 结论IVU(分泌性尿路造影)加输尿管逆行造影检查可能对诊断输尿管息肉有帮助,其特征是边缘光滑锐利的充盈缺损。
Seven cases were examined by retrograde urography ( RU). 7例做逆行尿路造影(RU);
Methods One hundred and Sixty-nine patients with non-opaque ureterolith calculi which was confirmed by B-ultrasound and CT before treatment were treated with ESWL by intravenous urography ( IVU) and retrograde urography ( RGU) location. 方法对169例输尿管阴性结石患者,采用静脉尿路造影(IVU)及逆行造影(RGU)辅助定位后行ESWL治疗,碎石前B超及CT检查证实结石存在。
For mid to end stage urinary tuberculosis, CT is more valuable than the retrograde urography in the diagnosis for urinary tuberculosis. 对于中、晚期肾结核,CT的诊断价值较逆行肾盂造影更大。
Sometimes B ultrasound, CTU, IVP, retrograde retrograde urography, MRU, radionuclide examination, and a lot of other imaging methods are required for diagnosis with comprehensive analysis when one imaging test can not show both clearly. 有时靠一项检查不能同时清楚显示,需结合B超、CTU、IVP、尿路逆行造影、MRU、核素检查等多种影像检查方法,综合分析,综合诊断。